Friday, March 30, 2012


Queer is an umbrella term for sexual minorities that are not heterosexual, heteronormative, or gender-binary. In the context of Western identity politics the term also acts as a label setting queer-identifying people apart from discourse, ideologies, and lifestyles that typify mainstream LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual) communities as being oppressive or assimilationist.

This term is controversial because it was reappropriated only two decades ago from its use as an anti-gay epithet. Furthermore, some LGBT people disapprove of using queer as a catch-all because they consider it offensive, derisive or self-deprecating given its continuous use as a form of hate speech. Other LGBT people may avoid queer because they associate it with political radicalism, or simply because they perceive it as the faddish slang of a "younger generation."

بسيار عالي!اين مطالب تكراري است و ديگر شكل تعريفي به خود گرفته است.همه ي ما مي دانيم كه كويير يا دگرباش مفهومي است كه براي دگرباشان جنسي قرار گرفته در 4 گروه گي،لزبين،بايسكشول و ترنس به كار گرفته مي شود.مطلب را به انگليسي گذاشتم و فاش مي گويم كه از ويكي پدياي انگليسي برگرفتم.نمي خواهم همه ي مطالب را در يك پست بگويم...بهتر است آرام آرام حركت كنيم.پس چه چيزي بهتر از يك شروع تعريفي است؟با توجه به اينكه تمام مطالب اينجانب فيلتر شده اند خدا پدر و مادر بلاگر را بيامرزد!راستش چه مفهومي زيباتر از پرچم رنگين كمان وجود دارد؟كمي رويش بيشتر فكر كنيم...چقدر زيباست اين تنوع و تكثر و زيبايي

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